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Afghanistan Launches Crowdfunding to Deliver 7 Million Jobs via Tourism
$3,400.00 Add to cart -
China Launches Crowdfunding to Deliver 7 Million Jobs via Tourism
A donation of $3,400 each and less than 3 weeks of software development allows us to provide up to 7 million tourism jobs into each of these 10 ASEAN Nations. Here is a link to all 84 participating countries in Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas, to be activated after the ASEAN Pilot project is operating. All Politicians listed can easily encourage their followers to earn money in tourism by visiting while YOU join the Facebook page. [video][video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video] Who Is Launching This 7 Million Tourism Jobs Project? See Doctor Mason's 12 years on YouTube AND: Click here to see my 7 years YouTube life in the Philippines
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Georgia Launches Crowdfunding to Deliver 7 Million Jobs via Tourism
A donation of $3,400 each and less than 3 weeks of software development allows us to provide up to 7 million tourism jobs into each of these 10 ASEAN Nations. Here is a link to all 84 participating countries in Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas, to be activated after the ASEAN Pilot project is operating. All Politicians listed can easily encourage their followers to earn money in tourism by visiting while YOU join the Facebook page. [video][video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video] Who Is Launching This 7 Million Tourism Jobs Project? See Doctor Mason's 12 years on YouTube AND: Click here to see my 7 years YouTube life in the Philippines
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Indonesia Launches Crowdfunding to Deliver 7 Million Jobs via Tourism
Minimum Donation $1.00
A donation of $3,400 each and less than 3 weeks of software development allows us to provide up to 7 million tourism jobs into each of these 10 ASEAN Nations. Here is a link to all 84 participating countries in Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas, to be activated after the ASEAN Pilot project is operating. All Politicians listed can easily encourage their followers to earn money in tourism by visiting while YOU join the Facebook page. [video][video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video] Who Is Launching This 7 Million Tourism Jobs Project? See Doctor Mason's 12 years on YouTube AND: Click here to see my 7 years YouTube life in the Philippines
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Myanmar Launches Crowdfunding to Deliver 7 Million Jobs via Tourism
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North Korea Launches Crowdfunding to Deliver 7Million Tourism Jobs
귀하의 국가에서이 7MillionJobs 웹 사이트의 마지막 남은 부분에 대한 비용을 지불하여 가능한 한 빨리 관광 풀 타임 또는 파트 타임으로 수익을 창출하고 운영하는 데 필요한 모든 것을 확보하십시오. 지금 등록하고 관광객을 위해 할 수있는 최대 30 개의 djfferent 작업을 만드십시오. 소식을 전하고 상황이 얼마나 빨리 개선되는지 지켜보십시오. "Help pay for the last remaining parts of this 7MillionJobs website in your country to have all you need to be up and running earning money in Tourism full time or part-time, as soon as possible. Register now then create up to 30 different jobs you can do for tourists. Help spread the word and watch how fast things start to improve.
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Steering Committee Memberships
$1,000.00 Add to cart -
Thailand Launches Crowdfunding to Deliver7 Million Jobs via Tourism
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